Petra Mitterlehner

„Choosing to be curious is choosing to be vulnerable, it requires us to surrender to uncertainty.“
Brené BrownWhat do people need in order to become effective in organizations within their sphere of influence and to enjoy doing so?
What do development formats need in order to be effective in a meaningful way for people and organizations?
These are the two questions I am passionate about exploring.
My professional background, after an education in graphic arts, is based on a degree in Business Administration, which I later expanded to include training in systemic approaches and methods, diagnostics and diagnostic tools, as well as transfer, evaluation and effectiveness of human resources and organizational development measures.
My desire to acknowledge the interconnectedness of many topics and areas of life, and not to have to answer complex and diverse questions with bogus or one-size-fits-all market solutions, are what brought me to 5P.
Vienna, Austria
Linz, Austria
Focus areas:
- Design and implementation of potential analyses, self-evaluation and diagnostic processes
- Preparing talents and executives by means of talent and leadership development activities
- Development, establishment and project management of development programs