Thomas Aringer

„I have not met a company in the whole world where there is too little potential.“
Wim VorageThe desire to understand the potentials of people and to contribute to their effectiveness in organizations was the motivation for founding 5P Consulting in 2003 and is still the basis of my personal consulting mission today.
This interest grew during my studies of business administration at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration and supplementary courses at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Vienna. Through several further education courses, in particular a personnel development course with a focus on action diagnostics, my interest has deepened further.
Professionally, parallel to my studies, I took over the management of a technology start-up and then followed my interest into HR development, where I worked as a consultant and partner of a HR development company. In my later role as HR Manager, I was responsible for the organizational transformation and HR development of a corporation with 12,000 employees, together with my team of 107 employees. At 5P Consulting, I combine my HR and organizational expertise with my entrepreneurial orientation.
As a consultant, I focus on the design of leadership and talent programs. I enjoy facilitating and supporting management teams, both in topics of corporate and organizational development as well as in topics of personal collaboration.
Vienna, Austria
Focus areas:
- Implementing and optimizing talent and leadership development
- Design and implementation of organizational development projects
- Management audits, assessment centers, 360° feedbacks
- Leadership training and executive coaching
- Facilitation of management, departmental and team workshops