
Ester Meier

„Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.“

Brené Brown
  • 10 years of global HR development (development of academies, performance and talent management, employee surveys - all international)
  • My focus for the last 15 years: facilitation techniques
  • My focus for the last 5 years: creating impact as HRBP
  • Customers in sales, service, production in the following industries: Mechanical and systems engineering, elevator industry, air-conditioning and ventilation technology, building services engineering, agricultural machinery, medical engineering.

To bring about change in people and organizations, you must be open and honest enough to say: "This is the reality. These are the facts. This is where we stand."

Equally important is a culture that allows people to show vulnerability and weaknesses. Individuals who are willing to give and accept feedback. Teams that can let go of habits, disappointments, hurts. Organizations that are willing to look at situations with a new, different, unfamiliar perspective. Then change can happen and people can develop. And this is exactly what I want to facilitate as a consultant and trainer.



Munich, Germany



Focus areas:

  • Moderation of meetings, seminars
  • Train-the-trainer
  • Time and self-management - Regaining Strength and Motivation
  • Communication & meeting culture in the digital world
  • Facilitation of workshops and large groups
  • Train-the-HRBP - added value in HR

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